Monday, January 12, 2009

14 Months

Another Month has flown by and Miller is ever changing. This month he has really begun to run. He has also learned to stand up without pulling up on something. He really can get around good these days.

We celebrated Miller's Second Christmas this month. He did not know what was going on and did not get into opening gifts until the last Christmas celebration. Thanks again to everyone who helped make our Christmas so special. Miller loves all his new toys.

Miller has been sick off and on this month. Just the crud and medication seems to clear it up but as soon as the medication runs out the crud flares up again. At the moment he is feeling pretty good but is still very crusty when he wakes up.

Miller still has 12 teeth but the way he is drooling you would think he had another tooth coming in. We keep looking but find nothing. With all these teeth he eats just about everything. He is still very independent and likes to feed himself. Some favorites are veggies, fruit cups, Yogurt, Oatmeal, Cheese, and Chicken pot pie. We have not found anything that he doesn't like.

He loves to play and we find it cute when he brings us odd objects such as a shoe or house slipper or a spoon. He also LOVES music and will dance/ bounce to the beat. This is one I need to get on video.

Here are some fun pictures to wrap up this month...

I still love my bath!!

Nakky time!!

He loves to play with Kaylee's Kong. Kind of gross and unsanitary, I know!!

Helping Daddy!!

Chocolate!! YUMMY!!